
Your Just Desserts -- Part One!

By Nicole Harris

Looking around at last night's amazing Your Just Desserts, 10th Anniversary Celebration I keep thinking how great it was to have such a wide variety of people there.  From new dancers (and kickass volunteers) like Caitlin & Courtney...
To having so much of my family there to volunteer and support Monkeyhouse like my cousins Jonathan and Andrew (who have been some of my biggest personal supporters for as long as I can remember) and new family like Annie who has embraced us all with open arms and that beautiful smile of hers...
 To Monkeyhouse supporters who have been around with us for a while like Freya, who is a former board member (and the mom of Gaby the Intern!) and Margaret Hagemeister and Zach Galvin who were on the Your Just Desserts committee and who make my life (and all the lives around them) a better place...
And of course old friends, fellow artists, people we admire and people we wouldn't be here without!  Thank you to everyone who made Your Just Desserts (and the past 10 YEARS of Monkeyhouse) such an amazing success!

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