

by karen Krolak

Happy New Year...sort of. Like many organizations, Monkeyhouse just launched into a fresh fiscal year. We are really jazzed about the 2011-2012 season because we will be exploring the impact of mentors through our programs and projects.

Do ever feel lost creatively and wish someone could advise you? Do you have a mentor? How does she influence your life? Are they important? Have you ever been a mentor? How do you find one? What is the difference in your mind between being a mentor and a teacher? Or are those words interchangeable in your mind?

As we participated in the Emerging Artists Program at Green Street Studios this winter, Nicole and I began peppering conversations with these questions. People's responses were remarkably eloquent and passionate. Often, they often touched on how difficult it is to sustain these vital relationships in the dance world outside of school.  Around Monkeyhouse, our chats catalyzed ideas for new programs and directions, such as our new Bloggers-in-residence to help nurture another generation of dance writers. I can't wait to see how this evolves.

Throughout the year, we will be digging in to this subject. We welcome your thoughts, comments or questions about it. If you have an idea of someone we should interview or want to share a story from your own experience, please contact us.

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