
The Against the Odds Rockstar of the Day -- Allie Fiske and Springstep

by Nicole Harris

Against the Odds wouldn't be possible without the help and support of Allie and all the folks at Springstep.  Between providing us with our home and being amazingly open and flexible to all our big ideas for Against the Odds we would be at a loss without them.

Also, as I mentioned yesterday we are going to be having a Friday Night Out Drawing and we have recently been given another fabulous drawing prize, a pair of tickets to SPIRIT: Native Music and Dance from Hawai'i and the Mainland at Springstep!  The drawing will be held the second weekend (March 25th & 26th) so you'll have to come to one of the first two weekends to enter!

Thank you Allie and everyone at Springstep!  We all love you!

(Allie will be moderating our post-show discussion on Friday, April 8th!  Don't miss it!)

Against the Odds is supported in part by the Medford Arts Council, a local agency supported by the Mass Cultural Council.

Thank you to Springstep for its support of this event.

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